MARCH 21, 22, AND 23
Join us for the fifth Spring Equinox celebration at Aguamiel! At Aguamiel, as a project and also as a space, we are seeking to recover Health - following, learning, and creating together with teachers, elders, friends, and the Great Mother Earth who are weaving a reality in harmony with all living things. We have found much guidance on this path, and it is very important for us to continue weaving active and healthy relationships and communities, following in the footsteps of ancestors who knew how to live in harmony and peace. One way to do this is to honor and celebrate cosmic movements, such as the equinox, when the sun passes over the equator, creating a day and night of light and darkness in balance, marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring. We celebrate the return of the Father Sun who gives us warmth and life, who illuminates the beauty of this planet and also illuminates our consciousness. Here in Oaxaca, these dates are also a time to call upon the sacred water, the essence of life that fertilizes the dry land after months without rain. We gather on these dates to remember how important these elements and essences are, and to offer in gratitude all that our Mother has given us. By coming together as a healthy community, we can share more, learn more, and achieve more. We dance, enjoy the flavors of food made with love, sing, listen, share, and light the sacred fire. In this spirit, we invite you to our beloved Aguamiel for this three-day gathering, with special guests who will share gems of how to live in health and harmony.